Regardless of whether you own an iphone, you are probably aware of how much they can do and how easy it is to do things with it. Whether you are a current iphone owner or someone who is thinking about buying one, you will find some outstanding tips and advice below for maximum enjoyment of all it has to offer.
It’s not necessary to press the X to get rid of that annoying AutoCorrect suggestion box. To eliminate this alteration, tap anywhere else on the screen. The suggestion box will close automatically.
Did you know that you can create your own shortcuts and dictionary on your iphone? A properly-programmed iphone will be able to anticipate your words and speed you up. Other shortcuts can be programmed in for phrases you type often. It will also improve your auto-correct when typing.
There is an app that allows users to upload files to the iphone and make it a storage device. In addition to photos and brief video clips, you can upload and store both music and text files. Just use the iphone directly or connect to a computer to see the files.
Most iphone users take full advantage of their phone’s built-in camera. It can be difficult, however, to learn how to easily sort through the many different pictures you’ve taken. The album feature on the iphone makes it easy to organize, store and retrieve photos. This can speed up your ability to locate photos in your phone.
If you’re sending an email and you do not wish to use the words that your iphone suggests, the “X” button does not have to be tapped in order to get rid of the suggestion box. Simply tap anywhere to get rid of this box.
The utilities of your iphone has a calculator built in. In the phone’s vertical position, you will get a standard calculator and if you flip it into horizontal position, you will see a scientific calculator.
The iphone has the option, as do other smartphones, to alert you visually to calls and messages you are receiving on your phone. If you want silent notifications, you can configure your iPhone’s camera to flash and blink when a call or message comes in. In the settings menu, go to “general” and then to “accessibility”. Once you do this, select the “LED Flash” option.
Always keep iOS updated to the most recent version, when possible. The iphone is really like a mini-computer, so every now and then patches appear to fix security holes, bugs and issues with functionality. Doing this is even more important if you use your phone to transmit any kind of personal data.
When you are using the Safari browser on your iphone, there is no need for you to type in the .com extension in order to reach a site. As an example, if you’d like to go to, just type “YouTube” into the address field.
You can help yourself stay organized by using the iphone calendar. You can add events directly to the calendar without needing to use the “+” setting. In “Day” view mode, time based events can be created by holding your finger on a particular hour. This quick scheduling will save you time and let you get on with your life.
A great tip if you own an iphone is to start using Facebook on it. While many people are already doing so, others may be unaware that they can just check Facebook right from their iphone.
If Siri’s mechanized voice rubs you the wrong way, you do have other options. The first step is to find Siri in the “general settings” area. This allows you to change the language to French, English or German. You can even change her voice, if you wish, to reflect a British or Australian accent. Actually, the British Siri is a male!
To easily save messages you’re working on, simply tap cancel. You will be prompted to save, don’t save, or cancel. When you choose Save, the message goes to Drafts. If Drafts isn’t available, one will be created following it.
You can get to your favorites and controls instantly. Just go to your settings screen, then general and then home. Any option that you want to customize can be modified if you tap on it twice and change the settings that appear. This is a fairly easy process when you follow the steps.
Extreme Temperatures
Your iphone should always be kept safe from extreme temperatures. If you work outdoors in freezing temperatures, it is best not to keep your iphone on your person. Moisture can accumulate inside the phone if it is subjected to these extreme temperatures.
Do you tend to text the same few people frequently? Include these numbers in Favorites. You can use the ‘favorite’ and ‘recent’ call lists to text your most communicated with people. Tap onto the arrow located on contact and then select the text message button. Sending a text response is a great way to get caught up on missed calls.
Are you accident prone? If so, then you should immediately put your iphone into a case. Dropping the device is likely to cause shattering of the screen if it is not inside a protective case. Although the case is not a guarantee that nothing will happen to the device, it certainly helps.
You know know a little more about iPhones and what they can do. If that describes you, simply apply the material to your daily life, maximize your iphone experience or make a purchase decision.