Millions of people are using the iphone. Though the iphone has become ubiquitous, it is hard for some to learn its many uses. If you are the proud owner of an iphone but have yet to master its features, read on. Become an expert shortly by using the tips below.
Cut down the brightness of your display to save the battery. Do that by adjusting brightness in Settings to a reduced level. Doing this means your battery will get drained slower, and this really helps for times you want to keep your phone charged for as long as you can.
Use your iphone to help you navigate from place to place. The map application should help you find directions to go anywhere as well as find a gas station, a restaurant or a store in an area you are not familiar with. This can also be bookmarked so that you can go back to the spot that you were at.
AutoCorrect usually tries to suggest different words for you to use, but you don’t have to keep hitting “X” at each word. You can make this process faster by tapping anywhere on your screen. This automatically closes the suggestion box and makes your life much easier.
You can use the cord of your headphones to take an iphone photo. Start off by getting the picture you want and put it in the frame. Simply push the volume button on the headphone cord. The picture will be taken this way. To save the photo, follow the normal picture saving steps.
As you browse webpages, scrolling with a single finger or two fingers is an option. If the page is separated into boxes, one finger scrolling allows you to go through each box. Two fingers will let you scroll the entire page.
Sometimes the AutoCorrect suggestion feature can become a nuisance. When you’re writing and it keeps popping up, don’t hit “X” to get rid of it. Just tap the screen anywhere to cancel the suggestion box.
You can use the included calculator to do quick mathematical calculations on your iphone. If the iphone is horizontal when you use the calculator, it will do advanced scientific calculations.
Screenshots are a wonderful benefit to the iphone. Once you have selected the screen you would like a screenshot of, push down on your “home” button and make sure to click the “sleep” button the same time. When the screen becomes white, the screenshot is saved on your phone.
Always upgrade your OS to the most recent version. Updates correct security and functionality issues as well as correct any issues associated with your iphone. Updating your OS regularly will help ensure the safety of your personal information.
Always stay on top of firmware updates for your iphone. Not only will it keep your system current and functional, it may also improve your battery life through improvements. You can update your firmware simply by uploading iTunes to your computer and connecting your phone to that computer. You can also use iCloud for connecting the phone to an Apple computer.
Your iPhone’s calendar is a great tool for staying organized. Rather than relying on the “+” function, try adding each event directly. This is much quicker. When you’re in the “Day” view, tapping and holding on any hour will automatically create a new event for that time. Faster scheduling frees up your time!
Try not to purchase or store too many apps on your iphone. There are many apps available for the iphone; some free, some for a fee. Some applications engage in unscrupulous data mining practices or charge you hidden fees.
There may be times when you are using your iphone and a pop-up interrupts what you were doing. It may be important that you finish your work before you deal with the notification. It is simple to close the notification and get back to your original task. Swipe away this bar when it comes up to eliminate it from your phone.
Changing Siri
If you are irritated by Siri’s mechanized voice, there are other options available. First, find Siri in your phone’s General Settings section. Siri can be changed to different languages, such as French, English, or German. You also have the option of changing Siri’s accent to a British or Australian one. If you choose to change Siri to having a British accent, you will also be changing Siri’s gender, as British Siri is male.
You should now know much more about the many features of your iphone and how to use them. Don’t wait any longer to try each new tip! In no time, you’ll feel that you are at the top of your game when it comes to getting the most out of your phone.